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Friends Need Love Too

Have You Called Your Friend Today?

Friendships are relationships too...please don't forget that. Your friendships need to be maintained, nurtured, fixed, adjusted, fed, built up. We may get caught up in our daily routines (work, family, hobbies, entertainment, working out) that we tend to neglect our friends. We may not literally FORGET about them, but we may take them for granted. It takes months & years to develop a TRUE friendship. You've been there for each other through thick & thin, you've seen each other at your worst & your best. You've been upset with one another, there may have been serious misunderstandings & some arguments. You've laughed so hard other people want to get in on the joke. You've shared milestones & great events in each others lives. True friendship weathers the test of time. I'm sure this topic will be revisited in depth at a later time but for now...think about a good friend you haven't spoken to in a while...give 'em a quick shout, or a text to say that you are thinking about them. Maybe even send a handwritten note or a card in the mail. It'll make their day & yours too! "Best friends are the people in life that make you laugh a little louder, smile a little brighter and live a little better."—Best Friend Quotes, Jane Moody


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